
Rising knife crime in London is linked to austerity cuts to youth services – here’s the evidence

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Across England and Wales, knife crime and violence has worsened over the past decade. The ONS has shown that the number of violent and sexual offences involving knives and sharp instruments (as recorded by police forces, excluding Greater Manchester Police) rose from 642 (in the 12 months between April 2010 and March 2011) to 891 (in the 12 months from January to December 2023). That represents a 38% rise.

Polls show that crime, policing and personal safety are the top concerns cited by most Londoners ahead of the 2024 mayoral elections. Despite these growing concerns, however, there is little consensus on how to solve the problem.

Adequate funding for the police and community police, in particular, is crucial. However, there is increasing evidence from places like Glasgow that demonstrate the importance of tackling the root causes that underpin violence, focusing particularly in inequality and poverty and how these drive violence in many communities. Indeed, Scotland has successfully reduced violent crime by seeing violence as an epidemic and a public health issue.

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