Our Team

The German Prevention Congress (DPT Deutscher Präventionstag) is a non-profit limited liability company. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the German Foundation for Crime Prevention and Offenders (Deutschen Stiftung für Verbrechensverhütung und Straffälligenhilfe – DVS).

In addition to organizing the annual congress, the DPT, with its Institute for Applied Prevention Research (DPT-I), is involved in various other areas of prevention. The gGmbH employs various full-time and associated employees.



Foto von Erich Marks
Managing Director
Foto von Dr. Claudia Heinzelmann
Deputy Managing Director
Project manager
Congress and participant management
Foto von R. G.
IT-Project manager
Project manger
Press spokesperson
Foto von Margo Molkenbur
Project manager
(on parental leave)
Foto von Pascal Specht
Project manager

Freelance employees

Foto von Axel Benz
Axel Bentz
Communication consultant
Foto von Matthias Barthel
Matthias Barthel
Media Production Manager
Foto von Frederick Groeger Roth
Representative for
„Communities That Care – CTC”
Foto von Kristina Kutz
Kristina Kutz
Project manager finances
Foto von Anna Rau
Associate Staff Member
Daily Prevention News,
Pufii.de -
Portal for Integration & Prevention

Scientific advisors

International Prevention Board

Programme Advisory Board

Members of the Programme Advisory Board of the 30th German Prevention Congress you find here.

Office Cooperation

In office-house Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 29 in Hanover the office of the German Prevention Congress (DPT) works closely together with the office of the German-European Forum for Urban Security e.V. (DEFUS).