International Events

For the national events see the german website.

  • 14 May 2024
    Side-Event: Advancing Urban Security – Innovations in Crime Prevention and Community Resilience
    In the frame of the 33rd Session of the Crime Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice – CCPCJ 2024 

    Programme Side-Event
    Programme CCPCJ 2024

    The side event addressed effective crime prevention practices and the enhancement of criminal justice measures in urban settings, emphasising and connecting SDG 16 (promoting peace, justice, and strong institutions) and SDG 11 (making cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable). The panellists Juma Assiago, UN-Habitat, Elena Abbati, UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Brazil, Siria Gastélum Felix, Global Initiative against Transnational Organized Crime and Felix Munger, Canadian Centre for Safer Communities explored innovative approaches to tackling urban crime and radicalization in urban settings. The discussion revolved around key themes and projects including the future of urban security, the impact of environmental design on crime prevention, the role of police in preventing urban crime and strategies to strengthen resilience to crime and violence. In this context, Elena Abbati introduced the Crime and Violence Prevention Programme of Pernambuco – a programme that provides technical support for the implementation and monitoring for the prevention of violence and treatment of drug use disorders. Siria Gastélum Felix presented among other projects the Resilience Fund. The Fund supports the Global Initiative’s goal to strengthen resilience in communities threatened by criminal governance. Juma Assiago gave an overview of the development of the Global Network on Safer Cities (GNSC) programme as well as the development and adoption of UN systemwide Guidelines on Safer Cities and Human Settlements. Felix Munger focused on the Canadian Centre for Safer Communities, which connects urban, rural, and Indigenous communities throughout Canada to foster community safety while also focusing on training, research, and knowledge exchange. 
  • 8/9 November 2018
    International Conference: "Prevention of Violence and Extremism" (PV&E) in Cooperation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) gGmbH and further partners.
  • 24/25 October 2018
    Violence Prevention Alliance Annual Meeting 2018 in Berlin on the subject: "Linking Public Health and Criminal Justice to prevent interpersonal violence"
  • 17 June 2017
    International Conference: "Building an evidence-base for the prevention of radicalization and violent extremism" in Cooperation with the National Center for Crime Prevention (NZK)
  • 31 October to 2 November 2016
    7th EUSPR-Conference in Cooperation with the European Society for Prevention Research (EUSPR) a.o. in Berlin