Congress 2019 / 13th Annual International Forum

The 24th German Prevention Congress with the 13th Annual International Forum has taken place on 20/21 May 2019 at the Estrel Congress Center in Berlin.
In our online documentation you will now find the photos, a short impression film and further videos of the congress. The presentations provided to us by the speakers are also available online.
At the 24th German Prevention Congress there was a Poster Award for the first time. A nine-member jury of experts, consisting of the DPT Programme Advisory Board, judged the 53 posters exhibited and awarded the three best ones:
- Demokratieförderung und Prävention - Poster
- Gender biased police misbehavior - Analyzing deviant police practices and female offenders' experiences - Poster
The jury evaluated the posters according to the following criteria: Overall graphic design, clarity of message, stringency of method, relevance for prevention work and innovative content.