Opening Plenum

Welcoming Speech
Erich Marks
Managing Director of the German Prevention Congress

Panel: Security in Change

Michael Stübgen
Minister of the Interior of the State of Brandenburg
Tobias Schick
Lord Mayor of the City of Cottbus/Chóśebuz
Silke Gorges
Trainer/Coach from „Stark Durchs Leben“
Hannah Hecht
Deputy speaker of the State Student Council Brandenburg
Winfrid Wenzel
Head of the Central Office for Prevention at the LKA Berlin, Anti-Semitism Officer of the Berlin police
Prof. Dr. Gina Wollinger
University of Applied Sciences for Police and Public Administration North Rhine-Westphalia
Uwe Madel
Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (rbb)
Monday 10th of June 2024
11:00 - 12:30 pm
Room: Halle 2