The lecture originally planned by Pilar de la Torre (Efus) will be taken over by Dr Britta Hecking, Moritz Konradi and Sarah Vollmer!

Innovative Approach to Urban Security – IcARUS

Dr. Britta Hecking
Moritz Konradi
Sarah Vollmer

Moderation: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wagner
Philipps-Universität Marburg

IcARUS is an ambitious project aimed at reviving the approach to urban security. It seeks to develop innovative tools and practices to create a versatile toolkit that empowers urban security actors to effectively address the challenges they face. At its core, IcARUS offers a comprehensive understanding of urban security issues, promoting a holistic approach to tackling crime, incorporating prevention, sanctions and social cohesion.
Several trends have prompted a reevaluation of traditional urban security methods. These include dwindling confidence in public institutions and democracy, reduced public funding, and the increasing interconnectivity of cities. Recognising the multifaceted nature of crime, security has become more intertwined and complex. The conventional reactive approach to crime, relying on surveillance and deterrence has been questioned for its effectiveness and high costs. Instead, IcARUS advocates for a proactive stance centred on prevention and collaboration among diverse stakeholders. It emphasises crime prevention and the co-production of security as pivotal aspects of urban security policies. IcARUS strives to enhance cities' capacity to anticipate and respond to urban security challenges, develop innovative tools tailored to local contexts, promote multi-stakeholder collaboration, and place citizens at the forefront of urban security policies.
Dr. Britta Hecking
Dr. Britta Hecking
Dr. Britta Elena Hecking holds a doctorate in Arabic Studies. In addition to political education and radicalization prevention, her work focuses on anti-discriminatory and intersectional approaches in urban and youth research. Her methodological skills include qualitative research methods in particular. Before joining Camino in 2021, she was project manager at the Kreuzberger Initiative gegen Antisemitismus e.V. in the field of neighbourhood-oriented political education and radicalization prevention.
Moritz Konradi
 Moritz Konradi
Moritz Konradi is a political scientist (diploma, Free University of Berlin), a criminologist and police scientist (MA, Ruhr University in Bochum). For Camino he leads projects on violence prevention. Before joining Camino as a research and evalutaion specialist in 2020, he was programme manager at the European Forum for Urban Security in Paris. Up to 2016, he worked as a project co-ordinator for crime prevention at an anti-violence project in Berlin and was a lecturer at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science and at the Berlin Police Academy. His current focus is on the evaluation and monitoring of projects in the areas of community violence and crime prevention and in the topic area of anti queer violence.
Sarah Vollmer
 Sarah Vollmer
Sarah Vollmer is a political scientist (M.A.). Before joining Camino in 2023, she studied Applied Political Science (M.A.), a German-French double degree programme, at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg and the Institut d'études politiques in Aix-en-Provence. As a research assistant at the University of Freiburg, she was involved in the evaluation of the Dietenbach deliberative process between 2021 and 2022.

Tuesday 11th of June 2024
11:00 - 11:45 am
Room: Halle 2