In search of trust and mistrust
Dr. Michael Kowalski
Akademie des Niederländischen Koordinators Terrorismusbekämpfung und Sicherheit
Akademie des Niederländischen Koordinators Terrorismusbekämpfung und Sicherheit
Moderation: Dr. Lea Hülsen
DPT-Deutscher Präventionstag
Security authorities and civil society in search of action and sovereignty in the digitally expanded public space
In Western democracies, there are signs of a loss of trust in many respects: among citizens towards the state, towards the media and towards established institutions - and among themselves. In my presentation, I would like to inform about the search of security authorities and civil society for action and sovereignty in the digitally expanded public space.
First of all, I will conceptualize the central role of trust in the democratic constitutional state and illustrate the risks of anti-institutional extremism based on recent findings from the authorities in the Netherlands. Secondly, I will explain the importance of trust in international cooperation between security agencies. Thirdly, I examine from an ethical perspective the right level of mistrust that would be appropriate towards leading private actors in the digital space in the pursuit of state sovereignty. Finally, I highlight the urgent need for action to ensure freedom of expression and education in the run-up to elections. The key to trust in democracy is to recognize undesirable influence by state and private actors in good time before elections and to counter it effectively.
In Western democracies, there are signs of a loss of trust in many respects: among citizens towards the state, towards the media and towards established institutions - and among themselves. In my presentation, I would like to inform about the search of security authorities and civil society for action and sovereignty in the digitally expanded public space.
First of all, I will conceptualize the central role of trust in the democratic constitutional state and illustrate the risks of anti-institutional extremism based on recent findings from the authorities in the Netherlands. Secondly, I will explain the importance of trust in international cooperation between security agencies. Thirdly, I examine from an ethical perspective the right level of mistrust that would be appropriate towards leading private actors in the digital space in the pursuit of state sovereignty. Finally, I highlight the urgent need for action to ensure freedom of expression and education in the run-up to elections. The key to trust in democracy is to recognize undesirable influence by state and private actors in good time before elections and to counter it effectively.
Dr. Michael Kowalski, Ministerium für Justiz und Sicherheit
Monday 10th of June 2024
3:00 - 3:45 pm
Room: Halle 2