
Unter dem Motto „Sicher leben in Stadt und Land“ findet am 16. und 17. April 2012 im Internationalen Congress Centrum München unter der Schirmherrschaft des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer und des Münchner Oberbürgermeisters Christian Ude der 17. Deutsche Präventionstag statt.

Engaging young people in designing against crime

Young people are being encouraged to participate in projects that have a direct impact on environments and spaces-i.e. on the public realm of towns and cities. In the UK and overseas, young people are engaged in design, planning and regeneration. This paper describes a programme developed by the Design Against Crime Solution Centre at The University of Salford (UK) in partnership with the young people's charity Catch22 that engages young people in design-led crime prevention. Youth Design Against Crime (YDAC) is novel in that it targets young people labelled as ‘at risk of offending’ or ‘problem individuals’ by the police or education system. Supported by youth workers and teachers, and mentored by local police officers, teams of young people are challenged to address issues of crime and community safety occurring in the area in which they live using a process of research and design developed by the Solution Centre. Four YDAC projects have been initiated and evaluated to date. YDAC helps divert young people away from offending behaviour by improving their confidence, knowledge, qualifications and skills-particularly interpersonal skills and self-efficacy. YDAC also improved relationships between young people and the police. Since design solutions have been selected for implementation, there is a potential impact on crime and antisocial behaviour in the future.
Dr. Caroline L. Davey and Andrew B. Wootton are Directors of the Design Against Crime Solution Centre at the University of Salford. Melissa Marselle is an Environmental Psychologist and has been involved in research for Solution Centre projects. Dr Caroline Davey is a qualified Organisational Psychologist and Reader in Design, Innovation & Society. She has led major UK and European funded projects on social responsibility since 1998. Andrew Wootton is Senior Research Fellow and has 15 years experience in design research. Caroline Davey and Andrew Wootton have published academic articles and design guidelines on the role of design within crime prevention, and the use of holistic, human-centred ‘design thinking’ to address problems relating to quality of life. They have delivered four European-funded projects on Design Against Crime (Hippokrates 2001, 2002, Agis 2003, 2006), and initiated a major UK consortium project on sustainability in urban design decision-making-VivaCity2020. Recent projects include: City Centre Crime; National Police Crime Prevention Service (NPCPS); and Planning Urban Security (PLuS)-an EU funded project led by the Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen. The Solution Centre is also involved in the Youth Design Against Crime programme-a partnership with UK charity Catch22 to engage disadvantaged young people in crime prevention.


16. April 2012
15:30 - 16:30 Uhr
Internationales Forum
Raum: Saal 12b