
Unter dem Motto „Sicher leben in Stadt und Land“ findet am 16. und 17. April 2012 im Internationalen Congress Centrum München unter der Schirmherrschaft des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer und des Münchner Oberbürgermeisters Christian Ude der 17. Deutsche Präventionstag statt.

Presentation of the International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety 2012

The International Centre for the Prevention of Crime presents its third International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety. The goal of the International Report, unique in its scope, is to provide a nuanced overview of crime prevention at a global level. For practitioners, decision makers and academics it is a source of information, data and, most importantly, ideas, best practices and promising programmes on the subject of crime prevention. It raises awareness of the importance of including crime prevention as a policy cornerstone for governments, donors and any actors seeking to reduce the harm caused by crime through the fostering of cohesive and resilient communities. The Report addresses four different subjects viewed through the lens of crime prevention: Human Trafficking, Informal Settlements, Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Areas and Drug Production in Developed Countries. By choosing challenging topics, the Report is pushing the boundaries and broadening the scope of crime prevention to reach areas where it has not been fully implemented but where it can have an extremely positive impact. These topics were selected due to their relevance for policymakers today at the international level. The Report also includes a chapter presenting the results of the inaugural Global Survey on Safety in Cities, the first effort of its kind to gather vital information on crime prevention policy in urban municipalities across the world. The third International Report on Crime Prevention and Community Safety paves the way to new reflections and analyses that seek to address the future challenges of crime prevention as a crucial tool in the design and implementation of safety and prevention policies
Dr. Paula Miraglia holds a PhD in Social Anthropology and has collaborated with the ICPC for many years during her previous mandate as the Executive Director of ILANUD Brazil (United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders). Her academic and professional activities are related to themes such as urban violence, crime prevention, youth and safety, including the development of local prevention plans, police training and extensive research to inform public policy at different levels. Paula has also acted as a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank – IDB and the United Nations Development Program - UNDP. She is a member of the Brazilian Forum for Public Safety and a regular researcher at the International Center for Comparative Criminology at the University of Montreal. Dr. Miraglia frequently collaborates with newspapers and journals and has a weekly column in which she comments on issues relate to crime prevention, safety and justice.


16. April 2012
17:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Internationales Forum
Raum: Saal 04b