Radicalisation Awareness Network – (RAN)

The Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN) Practitioners connects first line practitioners around the European Union working daily with those vulnerable to radicalisation, as well as those who have already been radicalised. As teachers, social workers, community police officers, prison staff, etc. they are engaged in preventing and countering radicalisation and violent extremism in all its forms, or in reintegrating violent extremists. Since it was founded in 2011 by the European Commission, RAN has attracted over 7000 professionals. First-line practitioners gather Working Groups focusing on different issues like exit work, how families and communities can be placed best to safeguard vulnerable youngsters or how local governments can coordinate efforts to prevent and counter radicalisation. RAN Practitioners acts as a hub for developing and disseminating expertise and connecting peers in other EU Member States. It supports and coordinates the network and fosters an inclusive dialogue among practitioners. RAN Practitioners develops practical knowledge and advises the European Commission from a practitioners’ perspective. – which funds RAN – and the EU Member States. Trainings, study visits and internships for practitioners are provided. An example of training delivered in recent years was the Civil Society Empowerment Programme workshops, where civil society organisations got input on how to translate there credible voice in offline activities into effective online presence. The RAN Collection provides insights into the network’s expertise and experiences. It presents approaches to preventing and countering radicalisation leading to violent extremism. Responding to the needs of practitioners, RAN Practitioners consolidates expertise in open source accessible papers. Important papers in recent years were the Returnee Manual on Foreign Terrorist Fighters (2017) and the Rehabilitation Manual on those who are reentering society after being sentenced for extremism or being radicalised in prison (2020). Current challenges RAN deals with in 2021 are inter alia new forms of extremism (Covid related, incells), Returning Foreign Terrorist Fighters and their families and multi-agency work in the field of prevention and countering of violent extremism.
All publications and more information on RAN can be found on: https://ec.europa.eu/home-affairs/what-we-do/networks/radicalisation_awareness_network_en
Webseite: ec.europa.eu
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