
World Anti-Bullying Forum

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The World Anti-Bullying Forum is an international and multidisciplinary forum whose purpose is to broaden our understanding of bullying, harassment, discrimination, ostracism, and other forms of violence among and against children and youth. The forum is a setting for multidisciplinary and cross-level dialogues, panels and meetings aimed at improving our understanding of bullying in all settings where children spend time and the efforts to stop and prevent it. The World Anti-Bullying Forum invites perspectives from different disciplines and areas such as (but not limited to) developmental and social psychology, sociology, social anthropology, education, gender studies, media studies, social work, health sciences, public health, childhood studies, political science, philosophy, and criminology.

By sharing knowledge, exploring new perspectives and acknowledging that bullying and other forms of violence must be understood as a complex interplay between individual and contextual factors, we want to move forward and improve both the understanding of bullying and the responses to it.

The World Anti-Bullying Forum also provides a platform for researchers to present and discuss bullying in relation to societal and educational issues such as equality and equity, social-emotional learning, rights and responsibilities, school climate, inclusion, exclusion, identity-based discrimination, etc. If research-based knowledge is shared among those who work with and for children, and those who influence children’s living conditions, we have a better chance of effective bullying prevention. Therefore, the World Anti-Bullying Forum is a place for dialogue among researchers, practitioners, stakeholders and decision-makers.

The conference will take place in Stockholm, November 1-3, 2021

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