
Call for Applications: 24 hour Conference on Global Organized Crime 2024

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2020 marked the start of a global pandemic and the world’s first 24-hour virtual conference on global organized crime, #OC24. Since then, four editions of OC24 have taken place, bringing together researchers and practitioners from all over the world at a scale and in a way that a physical conference cannot match.

With various and innovative session formats, the previous four editions of #OC24 in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 attracted more than 10 000 participants worldwide. As with the previous iterations of OC24, this year’s conference will bring together 320+ leading organized crime scholars and practitioners from over a dozen countries to present and discuss a wide range of topics, including human trafficking, drug trafficking, cybercrime, corruption, and the impact of climate change on organized crime worldwide.

The deadline for the call for applications is July 31th.

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