
IDB Proposes Regional Alliance to Strengthen Security in Latin America and the Caribbean

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he Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) propose the creation of the Alliance for Security, Justice, and Development with the security and justice ministers of the region, aiming to coordinate the implementation of public policies and resource mobilization to address, with a new approach, the challenges to economic and social development posed by organized crime.

The following countries have already indicated that they will join the Alliance proposed by the IDB: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, and Uruguay. Ecuador has committed to assuming the first presidency of the Alliance, and the IDB announced that it will serve as the technical secretariat.

Through the alliance, the IDB would provide financing, assistance, and technical advice to governments to expand successful, evidence-based interventions; launch innovative pilot initiatives to prevent and address crime and violence; and build institutional capacities. As a result, it would magnify regional experiences, ensure the sustainability of policies, and mobilize resources for countries’ security and justice systems.

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