
Designing, implementing, evaluating and scaling up parenting interventions: a handbook for decision-makers and implementers

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This handbook equips stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to develop, implement, and sustain effective, evidence-based parenting interventions. By following the outlined phases and steps, users can address child maltreatment, improve family well-being, and contribute to healthier communities. This comprehensive handbook empowers users to create impactful parenting interventions and lays the foundation for better futures for families and children worldwide.

It offers a practical, step-by-step approach to addressing each of these elements in contexts with varying levels of technical and financial resources. And, by referencing relevant research and country examples, and offering templates and other resources to support implementation, it acts as a bridge between the evidence for parenting interventions and practice, and is a companion to the WHO guidelines on parenting interventions to prevent maltreatment and enhance parent–child relationships with children aged 0–17 years.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.