
European Crime Prevention Award: Call for Projects

The EUCPN organises an annual conference to share and disseminate experience and knowledge of best practices in preventing crime and increasing safety and security in the EU Member States (BPC). The ECPA is a contest that rewards the best European crime prevention project. The nominated projects are presented each year during the Best Practice Conference. 

The theme is chosen by the Presidency of the EUCPN and is in line with the EU priorities. This year the Hungarian Presidency of the EUCPN will emphasise the prevention of reoffending. The growing number of inmates in many European countries is a pressing concern. Research indicates that inmates' social conditions, educational levels and vocational qualifications are generally less favorable than those of the average population. Consequently, developing skills and competencies during imprisonment is of utmost importance. Therefore, tertiary prevention, which includes resocialisation, reintegration, and reoffending prevention, must play a more significant role.

Participation in ECPA is open to any project, initiative or package of measures. An objective of the project must be to reduce crime and the fear of crime within the specified theme. Entries can originate from, for example: local authorities, the police, educational institutions, community groups, sports clubs, youth organisations, business community, probation service, neighbourhood watch schemes, parish councils, public transport operators, voluntary organisations/groups etc.

The deadline for project submissions is September 30, 2024.

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Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.