
EUDA: Drug and Crime Reporting in Europe

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Reitox is the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) information network on drugs and drug addiction, created at the same time as the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, which became the EUDA in July 2, 2024, with an extended remit and stronger role.

Members of the network are designated national institutions or agencies responsible for data collection and reporting on drugs and drug addiction from all EU Member States, Norway, Türkiye and the European Commission.

These institutions are called national focal points, and directly contribute to the EUDA’s core task of collecting and reporting consistent, harmonised and standardised information on the drug phenomenon across Europe.The results of these national monitoring process are fed to the agency for analysis and are ultimately released in the European Drug Report, Statistical Bulletin, and many other outputs.

Read the selection of the main achievements of 2024 as highlighted by our partners from the Reitox network of national focal points.
Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.