
Research focus: Sexual Violence Research Initiative

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Founded more than 20 years ago, the Sexual Violence Research Initiative has grown into the largest network on research on violence against women and children. Decades ago, credible evidence on the prevalence of violence was urgently needed, beyond what everyone knew anecdotally to be true.

Over the past 30 years, the organisation has evolved and so has the research. Today, the field has moved into interventions and implementation research: looking at what can be done and how it can be rolled out and scaled up. For example, how can health services be more prevention-oriented? How can cash transfer programmes integrate awareness on the issue?

In 2009, SVRI began hosting a bi-yearly Forum, a conference on research on violence against women and children, which was designed to bring those working in the field together to discuss what works, what does not work, and in which direction the field should be heading. In its first year, fewer than 200 people attended; in 2024, 1500 people attended, from 111 countries, 80% of whom were from LMICs.

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