Legal issues of drones
Legal issues of drones used by law enforcement agencies

The invention of machines, which has made the human life easier, is continuing to make progress through the confluence of diverse academic fields and scientific technology. Drones which are remotely controllable were originally developed for military purposes such as reconnaissance or combat, but nowadays they are more widely used due to the miniaturized size and improvement of installable high-tech optical equipments.
While different sectors such as the national defense field is attempting to integrate drone technology, criminal justice field is also trying to use drones for crime prevention or investigation. For example, mini-drones which are not affected by traffic can swiftly move to a location. Drones not only acquire wide viewing angles, but are also relatively inexpensive. Therefore, drones are evaluated as useful technology which will contribute to ensuring safety in the future society.
On the other hand, there is also growing concern over the invasion of privacy (indiscriminate collection of personal information), caused by the activation of drone use by law enforcement agencies, such as the police. This presentation attempts a preliminary discussion over the legal issues which are caused by the use of drones by law enforcement agencies.

Vortrag in englischer Sprache.

Research Fellow at KIC(2011-), Executive Director at the Korea Criminal Procedure Law Association, Member of Board of Directors at the Korean Association of Victimology(2015-). Forschungsschwerpunkt: Criminal Procedure Law, Forensic Science and Law, Victimology. Kontakt:,


06. Juni 2016
30 Minuten (Dauer)
15:00 - 15:30 Uhr
Raum: Raum 5
Ein Vortrag der Themenbox
Annual International Forum - Prävention und Freiheit aus der Perspektive Süd-Koreas
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