Kongressprogramm 25. DPT-Digital

Passend zum Schwerpunktthema und den Entwicklungen der Corona-Pandemie geschuldet wird der 25. DPT-Jubiläumskongress am 28. & 29. September 2020 eine rein digitale Onlineveranstaltung sein. Das umfangreiche Kongressprogramm der ursprünglich im Kasseler Kongress Palais geplanten Präsenzveranstaltung wird in vier unterschiedlichen Formaten dargeboten. 

Preventing Child Victimisation in a Digital World

Dr. Stijn Aerts
European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN)

European children and adolescents are online. Almost all have daily Internet access, mostly via mobile devices. Social media, social networks and playing games are their top online activities. This opens up new vistas for crime prevention. At the same time, the impact of child victimisation is sizeable: the group is vulnerable, and now faces besides traditional offline crimes also newer cybercrime threats.

For the Romanian Presidency, the EUCPN has produced a Toolbox on the online prevention of child victimisation. Investigating and borrowing insights and principles from neighbouring policy domains (e.g. health promotion/disease prevention) and other disciplines (including marketing and cognitive psychology), it argues that the Internet and its associated communication technologies constitute an opportunity for the prevention of victimisation as much as a threat to safety and security.

The Toolbox reviews how online communications can be used productively to effect behavioural change in the target group. Central questions are: How do we not just reach children and adolescents but also get through to them? How do we make sure our communications have real and measurable impacts? Finally, it discusses how communication and educational techniques such as gamification and game-based learning may help achieve those goals.
Dr. Stijn Aerts
Dr. Stijn Aerts

Stijn Aerts is a research officer at the (Brussels-based) Secretariat of the European Crime Prevention Network (EUCPN). The EUCPN was set up by EU Council Decisions from 2001 and 2009, and has as its primary objective to connect the local, national and European level and to promote crime prevention knowledge and practices in the EU Member States. The EUCPN is a point of reference regarding crime prevention, disseminates knowledge on crime prevention and supports crime prevention interventions at the national and local levels. It contributes to the EU policy and strategy of crime prevention and takes part in various aspects of crime prevention with respect to the strategic priorities of the EU.

Stijn is trained as an Arabist/Islamicist (PhD). Before joining the EUCPN he spent about a decade in scientific research, covering topics as far apart as early Islamic social history and jihadist radicalism. He was awarded a fellowship of the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), served a term as assistant director of the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC), and was invited as a visiting professor to the University of Leuven.
He joined the research team of the EUCPN Secretariat in 2018, where his thematic focus would be on preventing violent radicalisation, child trafficking along migration routes, and the prevention of child victimisation.

28. + 29. September 2020
Internationales Forum