Kongressprogramm 25. DPT-Digital

Passend zum Schwerpunktthema und den Entwicklungen der Corona-Pandemie geschuldet wird der 25. DPT-Jubiläumskongress am 28. & 29. September 2020 eine rein digitale Onlineveranstaltung sein. Das umfangreiche Kongressprogramm der ursprünglich im Kasseler Kongress Palais geplanten Präsenzveranstaltung wird in vier unterschiedlichen Formaten dargeboten. 

Synergy of Games and Former Combatant’s Testimonies in PVE

Christina Foerch Saab
Fighters for Peace
Tilman Weinig

Successful prevention programs must incorporate the essence of post-modern culture of a VUCA world: competition, comparison, reduction – not as simplification but as pronunciation – graspability, exaggeration as a mean of clarification, proximity and acceleration.

INSIDE OUT/Germany and Fighters for Peace/Libanon offer non-default solutions to questions of radicalization and political education by using simulations that adapt digital gamification lifestyles and combine it with authentic testimonies of former combatants of the Lebanese civil war.

The joint program of best practice projects – founded by the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen – was carried out in Libanon as a post conflict country and then transferred to Germany. In both countries the same program was applied with similar success: a highly attentive audience of youth open for discussion about the international context of radicalization, universal mechanisms of radicalization and tools to enhance critical thinking.

The speech outlines methods of games and testimonies as complementary tools and suggests innovative ways in PVE that transfer digital habits of youth into offline to generate high buy-in within the target group. Smart Prevention is thus understood as the capacity to understand digital behavior and transfer it into credible, effective offline programs that can be translated and multiplied internationall
Christina Foerch Saab
 Christina Foerch Saab

Christina Foerch Saab holds a Master Degree in Political Sciences and Spanish from the Free University of Berlin and has a certificate in Biography Work. In the year 2000 she moved from Berlin to Beirut where she has been working as filmmaker, journalist, and consultant for NGOs. She co-founded the Lebanese NGO Fighters for Peace, where she is in charge of programmes. She has specialised in issues such as the reintegration of former combatants, preventing violent extremism, the memory of the Lebanese civil war, peace education, media, and arms control. Foerch is a regular contributor to international expert workshops and speaks at conferences about the disengagement and reintegration processes of former combatants and former extremists, victims-perpetrators relations, societal healing processes in post-war settings and the importance of arms control in the MENA region.

Tilman Weinig
 Tilman Weinig

Nach seinem Studium der Religionswissenschaft mit Nebenfach Psychologie in München zog es ihn in den Westen, nach Stuttgart. Einige Jahre arbeitete er dort in der offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit und der Psychoonkologie, bevor er das Projekt Inside Out initiierte, um seine Leidenschaften für Kulturwissenschaft und pädagogische Arbeit zu verbinden. Gestartet als Fach- und Beratungsstelle für Extremismus hat sich INSIDE OUT mittlerweile zu einem eigenständigen Verein entwickelt, der unter dem Slogan „Prävention durch Bildung. Forschung. Kunst“ innovative Programme zur Demokratieförderung entwickelt. Tilman Weinig setzt sich aktuell wissenschaftlich mit Emotionen in Präventionsarbeit und politischer Bildung auseinander und lässt seine Ergebnisse in die Konzeption und praktische Arbeit einfließen.

28. + 29. September 2020
Internationales Forum