Kongressprogramm 25. DPT-Digital

Passend zum Schwerpunktthema und den Entwicklungen der Corona-Pandemie geschuldet wird der 25. DPT-Jubiläumskongress am 28. & 29. September 2020 eine rein digitale Onlineveranstaltung sein. Das umfangreiche Kongressprogramm der ursprünglich im Kasseler Kongress Palais geplanten Präsenzveranstaltung wird in vier unterschiedlichen Formaten dargeboten. 

Preventing radicalization in schools: A program proposal

Prof. Dr. Herbert Scheithauer
Freie Universität Berlin

How can signs of violent, Islamist radicalization be recognized in the school environment? And how can schools deal with radicalization and crisis symptoms? A program is presented to support schools recognizing and preventing Islamist radicalization among students. Combined with a general approach to crisis prevention, the program includes a 4-day training for crisis prevention teams in schools. The aim is to strengthen the assessment competencies and accuracy of trained participants in order to identify problematic radicalization processes or behaviors that possibly indicate a radicalization background at an early stage, to develop low-threshold and tailored interventions for the individual radicalization process and to carry out risk/threat assessments and treat management measures together with network partners. The program builds on the NETWASS approach (Networks Against School Shootings) funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Currently, a pilot implementation is realized, integrated into the EU-funded projects MINDb4ACT and PROPHETS. The program is outlined and the piloting of the training as well as first experiences from the implementation will be presented.
Prof. Dr. Herbert Scheithauer

Professor for Developmental and Clinical Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin. From April 2004 to March 2010 “Juniorprofessor” (Assistant Professor) for Educational and Developmental Psychology and since April 2010 “Univ.-Prof.” (Full Professor) for Developmental and Clinical Psychology at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. Head of the Division “Developmental Science and Applied Developmental Psychology”. Since 2006 Faculty Member at the International Max Planck Research School “The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogenetic Dynamics” at Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin. Since 2007 member of the Scientific Advisory Council of the “Stiftung Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention (DFK)”. Member of several Scientific Advisory Boards (e.g. Zentrum für Kinderschutz im Internet, I-KiZ; Nationales Zentrum für Kriminalprävention, NZK) and Scientific Networks (e.g. EU COST-Action “Coping with Cyberbullying”). Experiences in the development, evaluation, and large-scale implementation of preventive intervention programs and early intervention programs, e.g. in early education (www.papilio.de) or in schools (www.fairplayer.de, www.medienhelden.info). Partner and/or PI in several research consortiums (e.g. NETWASS; PROPHETS, Mindb4Act). Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Developmental Science.

28. + 29. September 2020
Internationales Forum