Internationale "Daily Prevention News" des Deutschen Präventionstages im Februar 2018
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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
28.02.: Ideology is not main factor that pushes children to join terrorist groups
27.02.: Symposium on Combating Terrorism in Europe
26.02.: Inventory of Evidence-Based, Research-Based, and Promising Programs for Adult Corrections
25.02.: 2018 CEMR Conference on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
24.02.: UNODC launches Handbook on Children Recruited and Exploited by Terrorist Groups
23.02.: International Perspectives of Crime Prevention
22.02.: The Blueprints Conference 2018 - cost-effective and proven prevention programmes
21.02.: Which Latin American Countries Got Safer in 2017?
19.02.: Call for Abstracts for the 9th EUSPR Conference on Prevention Technologies
18.02.: 2nd International Criminal Justice Summer Course, Barcelona
17.02.: The same psychological mechanism explains violence among Muslim and Western extremists
15.02.: 19th World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice
14.02.: One billion rising to end violence against women
13.02.: Research Summary: Review of Evidence-Based Registries Relevant to Crime Prevention
12.02.: Australian Crime Prevention and Communities Conference
11.02.: Fraud offences and their prevention
10.02.: Violence against Children Surveys: Towards a Violence-Free Generation
09.02.: 9 World Urban Forum - WUF 9
08.02.: EU Security Union Progress Report
07.02.: Public Consultation on EU funds in the area of Cohesion
06.02.: Safer Internet Day 2018
05.02.: 8th Annual International Symposium on Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling
03.02.: EU Report on ethical and legal issues with the use of social media for public security
02.02.: International Symposium: Tackling Gender-Based Violence in Europe
01.02.: No evidence to support link between violent video games and behaviour