Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im März 2020
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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
31.03.: Consortium wants to set up a Global Registry of Violent Deaths
30.03.: COVID-19 and people who use drugs
29.03.: Draft of the South African National Gender Based Violence and Femicide Strategic Plan
28.03.: New Data Show Significant Changes in Drug Overdose Deaths
27.03.: Urgent action needed to prevent COVID-19 “rampaging through places of detention”
26.03.: Does the “whole society approach” to counter extremism japordize solidarity?
25.03.: Online Conference: Violent Radicalisation in Cities
24.03.: UN Crime Congress in Kyoto postponed
21.03.: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
20.03.: Trapped at home: Coronavirus could be disastrous for domestic violence victims
19.03.: Cybersecurity Law, Policy, and Institutions
18.03.: How extreme is the European far-right?
17.03.: Conference: Criminology in an Age of Global Injustice(s)
16.03.: Progress Towards Ending Corporal Punishment of Children
15.03.: Applications for WHO MENTOR-VIP programme open
14.03.: Refugee Protection Governance and Regimes in 11 Countries
13.03.: Artificial intelligence could help protect victims of domestic violence
12.03.: Webinar: How to create alternative narrative campaigns?
11.03.: Anti-Refugee Sentiment without Refugees
10.03.: Police and Academics Team Up to Implement Early Intervention in Serious Violence Hotspots
09.03.: Free Online Course: Religion, Radicalisation, Resilience
08.03.: Gender Inequality Index or How Gender Equality Could Look Like in Reality
07.03.: What Schools Can Do to Reduce the Risk of Sexual Abuse
06.03.: Global Economic Crime and Fraud Survey 2020
05.03.: Save the Date: Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology
03.03.: Methamphetamine Use Increases Involvment in Violence
02.03.: Police Platform Patrols Cut Crime in London Underground