
Die internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im Mai 2024

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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:

31.05.: Efus Podcast - Learning from the past: 30 years of crime prevention and urban security

30.05.: Artificial Intelligence and gender equality

29.05.: Gaza campus protests: why understanding 1960s student demonstrations and police reaction is relevant today

28.05.: German Crime Prevention Congress: Guided Tour of the Exhibition

27.05.: Latin America: several countries look to combat gang violence by fighting fire with fire

26.05.: Towards an understanding of Indigenous arrest

25.05.: Follow the Money: Environmental Crimes and Illicit Economic Activities in Brazilian Amazon Production Chains

24.05.: Parents’ watchful eye may keep young teens from trying alcohol, drugs: Study

23.05.: Afghan drug trafficking raises regional security concerns

22.05.: Re-thinking urban security policies: IcARUS final conference in June

21.05.: Injury and Violence Disparities between LGBQ+ and Heterosexual Youth Resources

20.05.: Most crime has fallen by 90% in 30 years – so why does the public think it’s increased?

19.05.: Global Crises, Local Impacts: Threats to Social Cohesion and How Cities Can Respond

18.05.: Study shows correlation between racism and poverty

17.05.: Rising knife crime in London is linked to austerity cuts to youth services – here’s the evidence

16.05.: Cities with Black women police chiefs had less street violence during 2020’s Black Lives Matter protests

15.05.: E2i Survey: What are the barriers to implementing EU security research and innovation outputs?

14.05.: International Programme of the 29th German Crime Prevention Congress

13.05.: Engage2innovate Symposium – Realising Security Innovation

12.05.: Tackling racism in policing

11.05.: Are Australia's youth deradicalisation programs enough to counter a wave of online extremism?

10.05.: Attacks on politicians in Germany on the rise

09.05.: EU Council adopts first-ever EU law combating violence against women

08.05.: Webinar: The Policing Machine: Enforcement, Endorsements & the Illusion of Public Input

07.05.: Event: Realising Security Innovation - Empowering impactful security R&I outputs

06.05.: What You Should Know About Xylazine?

05.05.: Making the trade-offs between parking and placemaking visible and actionable

04.05.: Fighting drug cartels: Germany joins Maritime Analysis and Operations Centre (Narcotics)

03.05.: Deaths of dozens of Australian women this year trigger mass protests across country

02.05.: Spotlight on Designing and Managing Safe Public Spaces

01.05.: The Role of Social Connection in Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Engagement

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.