Durch KrimDok erfasste PublikationenOrganizational justice: Defining and measuring its impact on organizational commitment and rule violation in American policingDennis RosenbaumLorie A. FridellStephen D. MastrofskiWilliam McCartyOrganizational factors associated with female officer acceptance and job satisfactionMegan AlderdenDennis RosenbaumAmy FarrellTranslating research into practice: Oak Park, Illinois, and the national police research platformDennis RosenbaumGary W. CordnerRick TanksleyThe National Police Research Platform: Improving the science of police administrationDennis RosenbaumWesley G. SkoganJack McDevittWilliam McCartyStephen D. MastrofskiSusan HartnettLorie FridellGary W. CordnerMegan AlderdenDemographic, psychological and experiential factors that predict willingness to use violence/force on and off the job: Data from the National Police Research PlatformLorie A. FridellJon MaskályDennis RosenbaumPolice TrainingGary W. CordnerDennis RosenbaumJack McDevittStress, Burnout, and HealthWilliam P. McCartyDennis RosenbaumWesley G. SkoganAmie SchuckReceptivity to Police Innovation: A Tale of Two CitiesStephen D. MastrofskiDennis RosenbaumThe Longitudinal Study of First Line SupervisorsLorie FridellChristophe DonnerJennifer LantermanGerald BanfieldDennis RosenbaumStephen D. MastrofskiGary W. CordnerJon MaskályMeasuring Police Organizations and their 'Life Course': The National Police Research PlatformDennis RosenbaumJack McDevittGary W. CordnerSusan HartnettLorie; Mastrofski FridellWesley G. Skogan