Prof. Dr. Jan van Dijk

Tilburg University
PO Box 90153
05000 Tilburg

Jan Van Dijk has a degree in law from Leiden University (1970) and a Ph D in criminology from the University of Nijmegen (1977). He is currently a part time professor at the International Victimology Institute of the University of Tilburg (INTERVICT). He is a member of the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) of the Council of Europe. Van Dijk is a former professor in criminology of Leiden University and a former director of the research Centre of the Dutch Ministry of Justice. In 1998 Van Dijk joined the United Nations as officer in charge of the United Nations Centre for International Crime Prevention in Vienna. His latest monograph in English is The World of Crime; breaking the silence on issues of security, justice and development, Sage, 2008. In 2009 he received the Sellin-Glueck Award of the American Society of Criminology and in 2012 the Stockholm Prize in Criminology. He is an Officer in the Order of Oranje-Nassau.

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Prof. Dr. Jan van Dijk