Petra Guder

Transatlantischer Dialog/GMAD e. V.
International Director
Gerichtsstraße 1a
32312 Lübbecke
in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Minden-Lübbecke)

International Director, Glen Mills Academie Deutschland e. V./2004 MA Criminology, 2004-2007 Law Studies, University of Hamburg (Germany)/1995-1998 PhD Studies Paedagogy, University of Lüneburg (Germany)/1994 MA Business Administration, Eastwestphaelia Administration Academy, Detmold (Germany), 1983 MA Social Work, University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld (Germany). Petra Guder has gained broad initial experience in different fields of social work while working in municipal and county child welfare offices in Germany. For 25 years, she is involved in transatlantic coordination work between Germany and the US. She co-founded the international Committee of the US-National Concil of Youth and Family Court Judges and is with the organization since 1998. During that time she became a well informed witness observing juvenile justice reform activties throughout the US, specifically in the Reform Model State Pennsylvania. She also co-represents the National Council in the World Organization of Youth and Family Court Judges and Magistrates (IAYFJM/AIMJF). She founded and coordinated an international educational program for troubled youth from Germany, Austria and Switzerland in the US from 1995-2015 and organized many international field trips for professionals from Europe to the US to meet their counterparts in courts, child welfare offices, probation departments, in universities and research, speficially regarding evidence based programs. She also initated, together with Prof. Dr. Sonnen, University of Hamburg, a project for the German translation of the Blueprints (Delbert Elliott/University of Colorado) and co-founded the Transatlantic Dialogue, resulting in many contacts and conersations with researchers and practitioners in the field of Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare throughout the US. The US Juvenile Justice Reform Forum, part of the international program of the GCOCP since 2014, is also a result of the ongoing efforts to have an impact by making a difference for troubled children and making their world a little better every day.

Petra Guder