Janina Hentschel

City of Augsburg
Head of the municipal local prevention office
Gögginger Straße 57
86159 Augsburg
in Bayern

Janina Hentschel (M.A.) is since 2021 director of the office for municipal prevention, city of Augsburg. She has a master degree in peace and conflict studies of the Philipps-University of Marburg. She works since 2014 at the field of urban conflict management and municipal prevention for the city of Augsburg. From 2009 to 2010 she was engaged as junior professional and coordinator for the volunteer programme "weltwärts" in Namibia, German Service for International Development Cooperation for (giz). She is certified as conflict and sociocratic facilitator. Recent focus of her work: Urban Safety Governance, conflict management in public space, implementation of the “Istanbul Convention” at the local ground und prevention of extremism.

Janina Hentschel