Dr. Triantafyllos Karatrantos

Center for Security Studies (KEMEA)
Fanarioton 23
11471 Athens

Triantafyllos Karatrantos is Senior Advisor on Radicalisation, Organised Crime and Terrorism Research and Prevention Policies at the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) and also Lecturer at the National Security School of Greece on the topics “Multiculturalism, Migration and Security, Intercultural Policing and Community Policing, Radicalisation and Jihadist Terrorism”. He holds a PhD in European Security and New Threats from the University of the Aegean. Since 2014 he was working at the Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) on training programs and European and research projects. Furthermore, he is a certified by RAN COE trainer in Radicalization and Member of the RAN LOCAL Group and a CEPOL network expert and a specialized trainer on hot-spots trends and challenges and FTF’s common identification indicators. Since 2005, when awarded him as a member of a youth team his first European grant from the Program Youth, he is actively coordinating and participating to the implementation of European and Research projects (HORIZON 2020, ISF- Police, AMIF, ERASMUS+). The last years he focus on first line practitioners training programs, especially short courses for Law Enforcement personnel on radicalisation and counter- terrorism and the linkages between security and foreign policy.

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Dr. Triantafyllos Karatrantos