Gottfried Werner

SafeToNet Deutschland GmbH
Hohenzollernring 72
50672 Köln
in Nordrhein-Westfalen

Gottfried is an expert with over 20 years experience in business development, management, B2B sales and strategic partnerships. His successful track record in business has contributed to his rich network of influential figures and decision makers in both politics and business.

He has consulted for large media, advertising and technology companies and been the managing director of a leading technology company in the automobile sector. Before that, he spent several years as board member of a Swiss leasing company before working at a German project development firm for institutional investors.

Gottfried is a member of SafeToNet, the Düsseldorf Business Club, multiple business networks and sits on the Board of Kinder Online Schützen, an initiative to protect children run by the Federal Ministry of Lower-Saxony in Germany.

Gottfried Werner