Dr. Vaughn Crichlow

University of Connecticut
Associate Research Professor
c/o Transatlantischer Dialog, Heidebrook 2
21514 Fitzen

Dr. Vaughn Crichlow is the Director of Research for the Institute for Municipal and Regional Policy (IMRP) and an Associate Research Professor at the School of Public Policy (SPP) at the University of Connecticut. He is the former Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Student Services at Florida Atlantic University’s College of Social Work and Criminal Justice. He received his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice at Michigan State University. He also holds a Law degree from the University of London and acquired graduate and undergraduate degrees from Rowan University and the University of the West-Indies respectively. His research interests include international and cross-cultural comparisons in policing and crime prevention, police-community relations and encounters with racial and ethnic minorities, as well as procedural justice and police legitimacy perceptions.

Dr. Crichlow has been involved in several collaborative research and grant-funded projects, such as Ceasefire Detroit, a focused deterrence initiative in Michigan, and the Palm Beach County School and Community Violence Prevention Task Force Evaluation in Florida. His published work has appeared in academic journals such as Criminal Justice and Behavior, Policing and Society, Crime and Delinquency, and the Journal of Community Psychology. He is also co-author of the book, “Police-community relations in times of crisis: Decay and reform in the post-Ferguson era” which was awarded the 2021 Outstanding Book Award by the American Society of Criminology’s Division of Policing. Dr. Crichlow is currently contributing to a range of IMRP and SPP projects in Connecticut and is seeking to develop and sustain effective research and evaluation partnerships locally and abroad.

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Dr. Vaughn Crichlow