More Light is more security? CPTED perspective Analysis

PhD Macarena Rau
International CPTED Association (ICA)

Urban Security is a discipline of environmental criminology that seeks to understand and intervene in the relationship that exists between the built environment and the spatial location of crime, violence, and incivilities in the territory.

There are various approaches and methodologies with a greater or lesser degree of scientific evidence that are used to achieve higher levels of Urban Safety.

One of them is the CPTED methodology that has been applied in the Commune of Puente Alto since 2001 in Chile on a sustained basis. This methodology has been around for more than 50 years since it was created in 1971 by C. Ray Jeffery in the United States and has the advantage that it has evolved over time from first generation CPTED (1971-2000), second generation CPTED (2001-2017), and third generation CPTED (2018-2023).

This is a living methodology that integrates more and more variables for the sustainable achievement of urban security and one of the variables that works and considers is that urban lighting.

This lecture seeks to clarify the answer to this question from a CPTED perspective: Is more light more security?

In the lecture Dr. Macarena Rau will discuss also Dr. Randy Atlas White Paper on Security Lighting Updates and review of the latest IES Security Lighting Guidelines G-1-22



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verwandte Schlüsselbegriffe

Crime Prevention CPTED citizen participation