
The Global State of Democracy 2024

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The credibility of elections is under threat globally as fewer people turn out to vote and results are increasingly contested. Almost one in three voters this year is casting a ballot in countries where election quality is worse than five years ago, according to a report by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (International IDEA).

The deterioration in election quality is part of a global trend of democracy under strain, with 47 per cent of countries declining in at least one key indicator of democratic performance over five years.

The year 2023 was the eighth consecutive year with more countries showing a decline rather than improvement in overall democratic performance, the longest consecutive fall since International IDEA’s records began in 1975, according to The Global State of Democracy 2024 Report (GSoD): Strengthening the Legitimacy of Elections in a Time of Radical Uncertainty.

Read more and download the Global State of Democracy Report

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