CCI-Prävinar #3: Cutting Crime Impact – Making the Case for a Community Policing Approach: Lessons from Lisbon Model
Mónica Diniz (Lisbon Municipal Police) & Simone Tulumello (University of Lisbon)
One of the main challenges in community policing (CP) relates to the need to build safer neighbourhoods through the establishment of effective and trustful relationships between police and citizens. The model of community policing in Lisbon, applied by the Lisbon Municipal Police (LMP) since 2009, has been built from the involvement of local partners and citizens in safety partnerships and their active participation in the planning process of putting in place CP projects in Lisbon neighbourhoods. This policing model is challenging both to the partnership as well as to police organization since it requires a long term engagement by community as well as the internal support from the police organisation to a model of policing often seen as social work rather than “real” police work.
The webinar will first provide an overview of typical challenges for community policing, framing the model used in Lisbon, in contrast to policing models throughout the Anglophone world, for its specificities in facing those challenges. Then, the webinar will focus on the results of the research carried out by the LMP under the EU-funded Project Cutting Crime Impact (CCI). The findings revealed the need for senior level police engagement in the planning process of CP, and the tool "Lisbon Community Policing - Safer Communities" was developed. This tool contains a set of specific communication and planning instruments designed to support and engage key decisionmakers in CP delivery.
Mónica Diniz
Mónica Diniz is a sociologist, Head of the Prevention, Security and International Relations of the Lisbon Municipal Police. Monica has a Masters in Sociology and Planning and has been developing her work in the area of Police-Citizen cooperation with a main focus on the implementation of bottom-up collective approaches for crime-prevention and community policing projects. Monica has been working on the methodological transferability of the community policing model both in national and international contexts, namely in cooperation with the Council of Europe. She participates in projects on international cooperation in the field of Community Policing, Crime Prevention through Urban Design & Planning and Intercultural approach on security and safety issues. Monica also trains CP officers and is co-author of several publications on Community Policing.
Simone Tulumello
Simone Tulumello is assistant research professor at the University of Lisbon, Institute of Social Sciences. Simone's research interests span at the border between planning research, human geography and critical urban studies; security, fear and urban violence; housing policy and politics; austerity and neoliberal urban policy; Southern European and Southern US cities. In particular, Simone is interested on how local security policymaking - including approaches to policing - is shaped at the intersection of political traditions, neoliberalisation of policy and multilevel institutional arrangements. His first monograph, Fear, Space and Urban Planning: A Critical Perspective from Southern Europe, was published in 2017 by Springer.
Cutting Crime Impact: Theorien der Kriminalprävention im Praxistest
Praxisorientierte Innovationen der Kriminalprävention zur Eindämmung von Alltagskriminalität und Stärkung des Sicherheitsgefühls
CCI-Prävinar #1: Cutting Crime Impact - Innovating security solutions with human-centred design
Prof Caroline L. Davey & Andrew B. Wootton (Directors of the Design Against Crime Solution Centre, University of Salford (UK), Coordinator of EU Cutting Crime Impact Project)
CCI-Prävinar #2: Cutting Crime Impact - Promoting continuity in Neighbourhood Policing through human-centred design
Dr Roberta Signori (Greater Manchester Police) & Dr Megan O'Neill (University of Dundee)
CCI-Prävinar #4: Cutting Crime Impact – Addressing Citizens' Feelings of Insecurity
Dr Francesc Guillén Lasierra (Catalan Ministry of Interior) & Dr Macarena Rau Vargas (International CPTED Association)
CCI-Prävinar #5: Cutting Crime Impact – On the trail of citizens’ feelings of insecurity
Dr. Anke Schröder & Melanie Schlüter (State Office for Criminal Investigation of Lower Saxony), Prof. Dr. Jan Üblacker (EBZ Business School)
CCI-Prävinar #6: Cutting Crime Impact — Police analysis and communication tool to support effective information-enhanced patrolling
mit Maurice Illi & Dr Chiara Ryffel
CCI-Prävinar #7: Cutting Crime Impact — The Dutch touch: a problem-oriented approach to High Impact Crime (ProHIC)
mit Armando Jongejan & Paul van Soomeren
CCI-Prävinar #8: CP-UDP in Estonia: Building Safer Cities Together
mit Mari-Liis Mölder, Kelly Miido & Pärtel Preinvalts
CCI Webinar #9: The ProMIS Tool: Project Monitoring & Impact Support for CP-UDP
mit Dr. Umberto Nicolini & David Maher
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