Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im Dezember 2021
Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
31.12.: Interdicting Terrorist Travel
30.12.: Event: Supporting Women in the Criminal Justice System
29.12.: Exploring the innerworkings of far-right activity on Telegram
27.12.: Are parents criminally responsible for the actions of their child?
26.12.: The ‘good guy with a gun’ narrative doesn’t prevent violence
25.12.: Outsourcing migration control is leading to violence in eastern Europe and beyond
23.12.: EUCPN Toolbox - Bullying among minors
22.12.: Enhancing security through Research and Innovation
20.12.: Salafism and Violence in India
19.12.: The private sector is key to fighting corruption
18.12.: UNODC Electronic Evidence Hub
17.12.: Call for Applications for 27th German Prevention Congress (DPT)
16.12.: Preventing violence against women: beyond 16 days
15.12.: Framing a European approach to security policy and practice
13.12.: Do violent teens become violent adults?
12.12.: What New Data On Gun Recoveries Can Tell Us About Increased Violence In 2020
11.12.: Video Games and Violent Extremism
10.12.: Human Rights Day: All human, all equal
09.12.: The State of the Global Education Crisis: A Path to Recovery
08.12.: Ending abuse and neglect through universal parenting support
06.12.: School shootings are at a record high this year – but they can be prevented
05.12.: How Mobilisation by Climate Sceptic Actors Undermined the COP26 Summit
04.12.: Women and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism Interventions
03.12.: Global mortality among young people aged 10–24 years
02.12.: WHO Webinar: INSPIRE Guide to Prevent Violence against Children
01.12.: Violence against women: How to achieve justice for victims of all backgrounds?