Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im April 2023
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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
30.04.: Amid spiraling violence, criminologist studies new approaches to gun crime
29.04.: Body language tells us surprisingly little about whether someone is being honest
28.04.: Straw men in organised property crime: using the administrative approach
27.04.: The Local Council for Crime Prevention: an experiment in good governance to prevent crime
26.04.: What Does Environmental Justice Look Like?
25.04.: Chile Hands New Powers to Police as Security Deteriorates
24.04.: How online fraud works and how to prevent it
23.04.: Child sexual abuse: what the data tells us about perpetrators and victims
22.04.: Racism and Ethnic Inequality in a Time of Crisis
21.04.: Justice Navigator: A tool for equitable policing
20.04.: How does urban violence impact choices of cultural participation?
19.04.: The value of criminal history and police intelligence in vetting and selection of police
18.04.: Webinar: To what extent is restorative justice effective in juvenile delinquency cases?
16.04.: Reporting of dating app facilitated sexual violence to the police
15.04.: PODCAST: Cybersecurity, beyond the 1s and 0s
14.04.: When ‘Just Joking’ Is No Joke: How to Respond to Biased or Offensive Jokes
12.04.: 1 in 4 teens have quick access to guns
10.04.: Call for Papers: The policing of resistance in everyday life
09.04.: State of Jihadist Groups in Afghanistan
08.04.: Frameworks for crime prevention, security and community safety
07.04.: Antisemitic Incidents Surge in 2022
06.04.: Australian Child Maltreatment Study (ACMS)
05.04.: International Programme of the German Prevention Congress in Mannheim
04.04.: Crime levels and patterns during the pandemic: Evidence from Poland, Sweden, USA and Brazil
03.04.: How to fight racial discrimination
02.04.: Resources to help create safe and inclusive spaces online
01.04.: Edmonton libraries spent $1.5 million in 2022 dealing with results of social disorder