Die internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im März 2024
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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
31.03.: Last Chance: Earlybird Registration for the German Crime Prevention Congress
30.03.: WHO Mortality Database
29.03.: Rising crime in Switzerland: expert insights & solutions
28.03.: Earlybird Registration for the German Crime Prevention Congress
27.03.: Building fairness into AI is crucial – and hard to get right
26.03.: The German Far Right Online: A Longitudinal Study
25.03.: Earlybird Registration for the German Crime Prevention Congress
23.03.: Democracy Report 2024: Democracy Winning and Losing at the Ballot
22.03.: Gender differences in online abuse: the case of Dutch politicians
21.03.: UNDP Human Development Report 2024: Breaking the gridlock
20.03.: Organised Crime in Africa: A case study of Grassy Park, Cape Town
19.03.: Report on current youth recruitment strategies by criminal gangs
18.03.: Earlybird Registration for the German Crime Prevention Congress
16.03.: Trauma, Adversity & Violent Extremism: A Systematic Review
15.03.: Reporting sexual violence to dating platforms
14.03.: Haiti's gang crisis and international responses
13.03.: Save the Date for LEPH2024: African Regional Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health
12.03.: Our cities are in trouble - Facing A Wicked Convergence
11.03.: Earlybird Registration for the German Crime Prevention Congress
10.03.: Community safety is about more than police
09.03.: Online hate speech victimization: consequences for victims’ feelings of insecurity
08.03.: International Women’s Day: Invest in women
07.03.: Beyond China: How Other Countries Provide Precursor Chemicals to Mexico
06.03.: Register now for the European Crime Prevention Conference
05.03.: Urgent need for guidelines for the care of child victims of sexual abuse
04.03.: Gang Feuds and Violence May Call for an Olive Branch
03.03.: Youth Depression and Suicide is linked to trauma
02.03.: Why a decade of mass protest has done so little to change things?
01.03.: Rotterdam mayor calls for end to lax stance on middle-class drug use