
Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im Februar 2025

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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:

28.02.: Highly potent synthetic opioids are already in Europe’s drug supply chains

27.02.: Black History Month 2025 and the Renewal of the UN Decade for People of African Descent: An Opportunity for European Cities

26.02.: Economic Impact of Intimate Partner Violence in Ohio

25.02.: Knowledge Hub: Data and Tools to Counter Terrorism

24.02.: Citizen Security and Public Safety - Participate in a Desgin Challange

23.02.: Resourcing Climate and Health Priorities: A Mapping of International Finance Flows from 2018–2022

22.02.: Swearing, insults and hate speech: the social and psychological power of taboo language

21.02.: Testing application-based tasking and hotspots policing in a geographically large, non-metropolitan police service: a two-in-one randomised trial

20.02.: Smoke and mirrors: Afghanistan’s illicit drug economy after the opium ban

19.02.: Russian Attempts to Interfere in the German Election

18.02.: Urban Safety Monitor - The Bigger Picture

17.02.: Webinar: The EU Digital Service Act (DSA) and its implications for hate speech online

16.02.: Quarterly Insights: Online Hate and Toxicity Trends

15.02.: Final Report of Canada's Mass Casualty Commission

14.02.: The Climate Change Performance Index 2024

13.02.: One Billion Rising: The biggest mass action to end violence against women

12.02.: Fixating on Experimentation Could Hinder Gun Violence Prevention

11.02.: Social media has complex effects on adolescent wellbeing, and policymakers must take note

10.02.: Need for a more fundamental rights-compliant European Green Deal

09.02.: Radicalizing spaces: Neighbourhood effects on susceptibility to radicalization

08.02.: Gun Violence Data Hub

07.02.: A New Framework for Measuring Human Security

06.02.: EUCPN toolbox: Reducing recidivism

05.02.: Managing Migration: City-Led Approaches for Being an Inclusive, Welcoming and Socially-Cohesive City

04.02.: Most Mental Health Crisis Services Did Not Increase Following Launch of 988 Crisis Hotline

03.02.: Campus Antisemitism One Year After the Hamas Terrorist Attacks

02.02.: Ecuador’s Lobos Turn El Oro Province Into Battleground

01.02.: Black History Month 2025

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.

Bisherige News aus dem Bereich: international prevention