
Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im August 2024

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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:

31.08.: International Overdose Awareness Day Partner

30.08.: New UNODC Youth Factsheet on Homicide 2023

29.08.: The Lancet Youth Mental Health Commission: Prioritising young people

28.08.: Spate of Killings in Europe Reveal Escalating Conflict in Turkish Criminal Underworld

27.08.: How west Africa’s online fraudsters moved into sextortion

26.08.: Increasing numbers of sexual offences on public transport recorded

25.08.: Webinar: The Role of Space and Place in Rural Criminology

24.08.: Researchers Validate the Dangers of Disinformation

23.08.: Misogyny to be treated as extremism by UK government

22.08.: Radical anti-feminism the most prevalent form of violent extremism in Australia

21.08.: What to know as India’s medics and women protest the rape and killing of a doctor

20.08.: Cultural Competence: A Critical Skill for Today’s Police Officers

19.08.: How published images of a ‘happy couple’ can hurt victims of domestic abuse

18.08.: The ‘original sounds’ of terrorist leaders: A TikTok feature enables terrorist content to flourish

17.08.: Bristol Knife Crime Research Advances

16.08.: Violence Reduction Councils: A Community Approach to Saving Lives

15.08.: Social media and political violence – how to break the cycle

14.08.: Middle-aged radicalisation: why are so many of Britain’s rioters in their 40s and 50s?

13.08.: Major cocaine network — led by smuggler known as "The Professor" — busted in Europe

12.08.: Prevention Learning Portal

11.08.: Annual Trends Among the Unsheltered in Three Los Angeles Neighborhoods

10.08.: The Mafias Behind Sand Trafficking in Latin America

09.08.: What minority ethnic police officers face on the job – and how to fix policing culture

08.08.: Behavioural Crime Prevention

07.08.: So many women around the world face technology-facilitated gender-based violence, but why aren't they taken seriously?

06.08.: New data released on sexual offending in Australia

05.08.: Support Vector Machine to Criminal Recidivism Prediction

04.08.: Save the Date: 6th European Harm Reduction Conference – EHRC2024

03.08.: New study reveals that witnessing violence harms the brains of older teens

02.08.: ‘Democracies Die in Silence’

01.08.: Visualizing addiction: How new research could change the way we fight the opioid epidemic

Ein Service des deutschen Präventionstages.

Bisherige News aus dem Bereich: international prevention