Die Internationalen „Daily Prevention News“ des Deutschen Präventionstages im Juli 2022
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Nachfolgend finden sich die Links zu den im Vormonat veröffentlichten DAILY PREVENTION NEWS in englischer Sprache:
31.07.: Research shows it’s harmful to smack your child
30.07.: Predictive policing: The pitfalls of crime forecasting
29.07.: Email scams are getting more personal – they even fool cybersecurity experts
28.07.: UNHabitat: World Cities Report 2022
27.07.: Misogyny is fueling gun violence in the USA
26.07.: WHO Guide for Journalists on Reporting on Violence Against Children
25.07.: DPT-TV: Prevention of Radicalisation and Extremism in the gaming context and locally
24.07.: What Ethnographers Have Learned from People Who Use Drugs
23.07.: Adversarial Shifts and the Availability of Extremist Content Online
22.07.: Preventing environmental crime – from law into practice
21.07.: Global Gender Gap Report 2022
20.07.: The French State’s Instruments for Combating Islamism: Responses and Shortcomings
19.07.: Protective Factors For Violent Extremism And Terrorism: Rapid Evidence Assessment
18.07.: DPT-TV: How to prevent radicalisation evidence based and in different age stages?
17.07.: Mythbuster - Does crime prevented mean crime displaced?
16.07.: Securing Children's Safety and Rights in Australia's Family Law System
15.07.: Cities: How Urban Design can make People Less Likely to Use Public Spaces
14.07.: EUCPN Toolbox - street gang prevention
13.07.: Sports can help prevent violent extremism in youth
12.07.: COVID pandemic may have hidden a significant increase in child abuse, say doctors
11.07.: DPT-TV: Does burglary protection only start at the front door?
10.07.: Extreme risk protection orders to prevent mass shootings: What does the research show?
09.07.: U.S. Mass Shootings Hover Near Record-Breaking Levels
08.07.: How non-profits are changing the remit of crime news
07.07.: Fewer youth attempt suicide in states with hate crime laws
05.07.: PODCAST: Chasing the mafia
04.07.: DPT-TV: Safe Public Spaces and Safety in Nighlife