Aktuelle Buchpublikation des Deutschen Präventionstages: International Perspectives of Crime Prevention 12
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Contributions from the 13th Annual International Forum 2019 and 14th Annual International Forum 2021 within the German Prevention Congress. Published in Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH 2023, 345 pages.
ISBN: 978.3.96410.032.0 (print); 978.3.96410.033.7 (eBook)
With contributions from: Stijn Aerts, Anno Bunnik, Anthony Capizzi, Miriam K. Damrow, Guido A. DeAngelis, Lien Dorme, Kjell Elefalk, Petra Guder, Wim Hardyns, Triantafyllos Karatrantos, Noel Klima, Despoina Limniotakis, Rachel Locke, Erich Marks, Martí Navarro Regàs, Roegchanda Pascoe, Lieven Pauwels, Alexander Siedschlag, Minakshi Sinha, Bernd-Rüdeger Sonnen, Kim Thomas, Haci-Halil Uslucan, Birte Vandaele, Irvin Waller, Gina Rosa Wollinger

6th US JJ Reform Forum - Democratic Prevention Approaches: The WATSON-Model: Effective Technology Based Individual Case Management
Prof. (em) Dr. Bernd Rüdeger Sonnen, Petra Guder, Hon. Judge Dr. Anthony Capizzi
A Culture of Preparedness: Fostering Prevention and Values
Prof. Dr. Alexander Siedschlag
Being Resilient. Learning from Community Responses to Gangs in Cape Town: Reflections from a Manenberg activist
Roegchanda Pascoe, Kim Thomas
Evaluation and mentoring of the Multi-Agency approach to violent radicalisation in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany
Dr. Noel Klima, Prof. Dr. Wim Hardyns, Prof. Dr. Lieven Pauwels, Lien Dorme, Birte Vandaele
Family-based crime: an EUPCN toolbox on effective prevention
Dr. Stijn Aerts
From Research to Action: Activating Strategies for Violence Reduction amidst COVID-19
Rachel Locke
School as a place of orientation and as a place of prevention of disorientation
Prof. Dr. Haci-Halil Uslucan
Looking for Orientation. On the relevance of crises as a social seismograph
Prof. Dr. Gina Rosa Wollinger
Helping Juvenile Treatment Court Improve Efficiency and Outcomes with IBM‘s Watson Health Solution
Hon. Judge Dr. Anthony Capizzi
Incongruous demands – inside child protection and education
Dr. Miriam Damrow
Local Safety Measurement System in Sweden 1998-2021
Kjell Elefalk
Management of Violence in Divided Societies: Prevention of Violent Extremism and Strengthening of Democratic Principles
Dr. Triantafyllos Karatrantos, Despoina Limniotakis
Modernising law enforcement intelligence for a digital society
Anno Bunnik
Nightlife and cities. Challenges and urban governance at night – The vision of the European Forum for Urban Security
Martí Navarro Regàs
Pandemic Preparedness from the Security Research Perspective
Prof. Dr. Alexander Siedschlag
Perspectives on Prevention during and after COVID-19. More Fire Protection and not just Fire Extinguishers!
Erich Marks
Science and Secrets of Ending Violent Crime: What Actions will Reduce Violent Crime by 2030 to Achieve SDG 16.1
Prof. Dr. Irvin Waller
The Berlin Declaration of the 24th German Prevention Congress
German Prevention Congress and Congress Partners
The Cologne Declaration of the 26th German Prevention Congress
German Prevention Congress and Congress Partners
The Crossover Youth Practice Model: Delivering Successful Outcomes for the Juvenile Population
Prof. (em) Dr. Bernd Rüdeger Sonnen, Petra Guder, Hon. Judge/Prof. Guido A. D'Angelis
Transnational Organised Crime: Challenges to Criminal Justice Functionaries
Dr. Minakshi Sinha
Dr. Claudia Heinzelmann and Erich Marks
Programme of the 13th Annual International Forum
Dr. Claudia Heinzelmann and Erich Marks
Programme of the 14th Annual International Forum
Dr. Claudia Heinzelmann and Erich Marks